Monday, January 21, 2008


Things that made me laugh this weekend:

1. My 9 month old daughter grabbing the waiter’s butt at brunch. I can’t blame her, he was cute, but I’m pretty sure he was gay. We left him a good tip.

2. The following story that almost demonstrates how cold it was this weekend:

My friend was doing her laundry in the basement of her apartment building. She transferred the clothes from the washer to the dryer only to realize she did not have enough quarters for the dryer. She left the clothes in the dryer and went upstairs to find some more quarters. She couldn’t find any quarters so she decided she would just get some change the next morning when she went out to buy a Sunday paper. Sunday morning she goes down to the laundry room to dry her clothes. She opens the dryer to check that no one has stolen her wet laundry overnight (which has happened to her). To her surprise, she finds her clothes have FROZEN into one huge lump. She had to break up her frozen underwear, socks and bras so that the dryer would even work then had to run the dryer twice, once to “thaw” her clothes and once to dry them!

3. My husband and I stuffing our faces with sushi, drinking one beer each and then passing out on the couch.

4. So this one didn’t really make me laugh, it’s just weird. The following conversation between my husband and his brother (who lives several states away):

Husband: “What are you up to tonight?”

Brother: “Going to a going-away party for the neighbor.”

Husband: “Oh really, where is he going?”

Brother: “To jail.”

Husband: “Okay, so I have to ask, why is he going to jail?”

Brother: “Um, he was busted for internet porn with minors.”

**Note to self, when visiting brother in law in the future, keep a VERY CLOSE eye on daughter.

Husband and I want to plan a vacation. I suggested San Francisco or Napa Valley. He suggested Paris or Nashville (Two completely opposite places, but I'm sure he has a motive for each, I just haven't figured it out yet). Looks like I have to do some vacation research this week. Any suggestions?

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